Welcome to Sunny Bot, your personal task manager! Below are the features and usage guidelines to help you make the most of Sunny Bot.
Sunny bot greets the user upon starting the program.
Hello! I'm Sunny
What can I do for you?
Sunny Bot allows you to add different types of tasks, such as Todo, Deadline, and Event.
‘todo’ - Add a Todo task
Add a new task without any specific date or time.
Example of usage:
todo Buy groceries
Expected outcome: Sunny Bot will add a new Todo task and confirm the addition.
Got it! I have successfully added:
[T][ ] Buy groceries
Now you have 1 task in the list.
‘deadline’ - Add a Deadline task
Add a task with a specific deadline.
Example of usage:
deadline Submit report /by mon
Expected outcome: Sunny Bot will add a new Deadline task and confirm the addition.
Got it! I have successfully added:
[D][ ] Submit report (by:mon)
Now you have 2 tasks in the list.
event - Add an Event task
Add a task with a specific start and end time.
Example of usage:
event Team meeting /from 12pm /to 2pm
Expected outcome: Sunny Bot will add a new Event task and confirm the addition.
Got it! I have successfully added:
[E][ ] Team meeting (from:12pm to:2pm)
Now you have 3 tasks in the list.
Feel free to explore and try different variations with optional arguments!
Sunny Bot allows you to view the list of tasks currently in your task manager.
list - Display the list of tasks
View all tasks currently in your task manager.
Example of usage:
Expected outcome: Sunny Bot will display the list of tasks.
`Here are the tasks in your list:
Mark a task as done or undo the mark to indicate completion status.
mark - Mark a task as done
Mark a specific task as completed.
Example of usage:
mark 2
Expected outcome: Sunny Bot will mark the specified task as done and confirm the action.
Nice! I've marked this task as done!
[D][X] Submit report (by:mon)
unmark - Unmark a task as done
Undo the completion status of a task.
Example of usage:
unmark 2
Expected outcome: Sunny Bot will undo the completion status of the specified task and confirm the action.
OK, I've marked this task as not done yet.
[D][ ] Submit report (by:mon)
Search for tasks containing specific keywords.
find - Find tasks based on keywords
Find tasks that match specific keywords.
Example of usage:
find report
Expected outcome: Sunny Bot will display tasks containing the specified keyword.
Here are the matching tasks in your list:
1.[D][ ] Submit report (by:mon)
Feel free to experiment with different keywords to locate the tasks you need. Sunny Bot’s flexible search functionality makes it easy to find and manage your tasks effectively.
Sunny Bot allows you to delete tasks.
delete - Delete a task from the list
Example of usage:
delete 1
Expected outcome:
Noted. I've removed this task:
[T][ ] buy groceries
Now you have 2 tasks in the list.
Sunny Bot provides the ability to load tasks from a file, save tasks to a file, and display them again when the program runs.
Usage Loading Tasks from File: Sunny Bot automatically loads tasks from a file when you start the program.
Tasks loaded from file:
Read from file: [T][ ] buy groceries
Read from file: [D][ ] Submit report (by:mon)
Read from file: [E][ ] Team meeting (from:12pm to:2pm)
Tasks loaded successfully!
Saving Tasks to File: Sunny Bot will automatically save your tasks in the file for future use.
Every time a change is made, the program displays:
Saving tasks to file...
Tasks saved successfully!
Displaying Tasks: Sunny Bot displays the loaded tasks when you run the program. If you have saved tasks, they will be loaded and presented in the task list.
`Here are the tasks in your list:
Sunny bot allows you to exit the program.
bye - Exits the program
Example of usage:
Expected Outcome:
Bye. Hope to see you again soon!