

Welcome to Sunny Bot, your personal task manager! Below are the features and usage guidelines to help you make the most of Sunny Bot.


Feature 0 - Greeting the User

Sunny bot greets the user upon starting the program.



Hello! I'm Sunny What can I do for you?

Feature 1 - Adding of tasks

Sunny Bot allows you to add different types of tasks, such as Todo, Deadline, and Event.


‘todo’ - Add a Todo task

Add a new task without any specific date or time.

Example of usage:

todo Buy groceries

Expected outcome: Sunny Bot will add a new Todo task and confirm the addition.

Got it! I have successfully added: [T][ ] Buy groceries Now you have 1 task in the list.

‘deadline’ - Add a Deadline task

Add a task with a specific deadline.

Example of usage:

deadline Submit report /by mon

Expected outcome: Sunny Bot will add a new Deadline task and confirm the addition.

Got it! I have successfully added: [D][ ] Submit report (by:mon) Now you have 2 tasks in the list.

event - Add an Event task

Add a task with a specific start and end time.

Example of usage:

event Team meeting /from 12pm /to 2pm

Expected outcome: Sunny Bot will add a new Event task and confirm the addition.

Got it! I have successfully added: [E][ ] Team meeting (from:12pm to:2pm) Now you have 3 tasks in the list.

Feel free to explore and try different variations with optional arguments!

Feature 2 - Viewing Task List

Sunny Bot allows you to view the list of tasks currently in your task manager.


list - Display the list of tasks

View all tasks currently in your task manager.

Example of usage:


Expected outcome: Sunny Bot will display the list of tasks.

`Here are the tasks in your list:

  1. [T][ ] Buy groceries
  2. [D][ ] Submit report (by:mon)
  3. [E][ ] Team meeting (from:12pm to:2pm)`

Feature 3 - Mark/Unmark Task as Done

Mark a task as done or undo the mark to indicate completion status.


mark - Mark a task as done

Mark a specific task as completed.

Example of usage:

mark 2

Expected outcome: Sunny Bot will mark the specified task as done and confirm the action.

Nice! I've marked this task as done! [D][X] Submit report (by:mon)

unmark - Unmark a task as done

Undo the completion status of a task.

Example of usage:

unmark 2

Expected outcome: Sunny Bot will undo the completion status of the specified task and confirm the action.

OK, I've marked this task as not done yet. [D][ ] Submit report (by:mon)

Feature 4 - Find Tasks

Search for tasks containing specific keywords.


find - Find tasks based on keywords

Find tasks that match specific keywords.

Example of usage:

find report

Expected outcome: Sunny Bot will display tasks containing the specified keyword.

Here are the matching tasks in your list: 1.[D][ ] Submit report (by:mon)

Feel free to experiment with different keywords to locate the tasks you need. Sunny Bot’s flexible search functionality makes it easy to find and manage your tasks effectively.

Feature 5 - Delete Task

Sunny Bot allows you to delete tasks.


delete - Delete a task from the list

Example of usage:

delete 1

Expected outcome:

Noted. I've removed this task: [T][ ] buy groceries Now you have 2 tasks in the list.

Feature 6 - Load, Save, and Display Data

Sunny Bot provides the ability to load tasks from a file, save tasks to a file, and display them again when the program runs.

Usage Loading Tasks from File: Sunny Bot automatically loads tasks from a file when you start the program.


Tasks loaded from file: Read from file: [T][ ] buy groceries Read from file: [D][ ] Submit report (by:mon) Read from file: [E][ ] Team meeting (from:12pm to:2pm) Tasks loaded successfully!

Saving Tasks to File: Sunny Bot will automatically save your tasks in the file for future use.

Every time a change is made, the program displays:

Saving tasks to file... Tasks saved successfully!

Displaying Tasks: Sunny Bot displays the loaded tasks when you run the program. If you have saved tasks, they will be loaded and presented in the task list.


`Here are the tasks in your list:

  1. [T][ ] buy groceries
  2. [D][ ] Submit report (by:mon)
  3. [E][ ] Team meeting (from:12pm to:2pm)`

Feature 7 - Exit the Program

Sunny bot allows you to exit the program.


bye - Exits the program

Example of usage:


Expected Outcome:

Bye. Hope to see you again soon!